So you want to know a thing or two about me, huh?


What are you nuts? Just kidding.

Well I'm Australian and proud of it!

I love to write and have a list of favourite authors a mile long (well maybe not that long but I'm sure its close).

My taste in music depends on my mood at the time. It ranges from The Corrs to Limp Biskit!

I started writing fic not long after I discovered the internet, about 1999. Why the hell did it take me so long to get on the 'net, I hear you ask? Buggered if I know, just happened that way I guess, but rest assured I haven't looked back since!

My sense of humour is, in my opinion, seriously twisted and most of my fic are of the humorous kind. In that regard I think I've been heavily influenced by fantasy writers: Terry Pratchett, Robert Rankin and Douglas Adams. (All English writers who probably should have adjoining padded cells)

I have two younger sisters, who drive me nuts but I love em. Just never tell them I told you so, okay?

My middle sister has two daughters who are so much fun. You can relive your childhood though them! The eldest, Harley, was born in December, 1999 and Rachelle in July, 2002. So its safe to say that you'll be finding a few photos of my nieces on here sometime soon!

Oh enough of this. You're here to read fic not to sit about getting bored listening as I rabbit on about myself. Get out there and read already, and never forget - feedback is an author's best friend! Well actually I guess money really is, so send some today! No don't, just messing with ya head. If you sent money the multi-conglomerates that control the universes that I dabble in would want their unfair share. So just send feedback instead.


Wanna go home?