Star Wars Fanfic Page.



 Star Wars: A History - My look at the phenomenon called Star Wars.

Back on Earth by Katharine - Qui Gon meets Cole, and they talk, about the force, the Chosen One, and what is left unfinished. (AU / Crossover - Star Wars and The Sixth Sense)

And. . . Action! - The things one does to help out a planet in need.

Caveat Emptor: A New Remote - Living with a Star Wars fanatic can be tiring, especially when they bring home a most unusual piece of merchandise.

Caveat Emptor 2: The Remote Strikes Back - Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your television set. New Story!

A Day at the Movies - Our beloved Jedi are eagerly awaiting the latest chapter of the great saga World Wars. Well most of them are. (Originally written for the first anniversary of The Phantom Menace)

Drag Wars - A slightly reworked version of the Duel of Fates. Think Priscilla meets Phantom Menace and I promise you you'll never be able to watch the ending in quite the same way again! (WARNING SLASH: If just the mere thought of a same sex relationship offends you then please don't read any further).

Happy Birthday, Dear Master - You know who has a you know what. (My very first fic, ever. It's all downhill from here, kids. *G*)

Taboo - In the aftermath of the Naboo incident an ancient legacy becomes known to a certain Jedi.


"No more lightsabre, Obi-Wan, until you finish that fanfic!"